Friday, April 23, 2010

Sheen Set To Music-The Hour of Testing

As a Church, we are currently in the midst of severe attack and persecution. Rather than run from this, our current cross, we must remain faithful, steadfast in prayer, and suffer well. Archbishop Sheen knew we were approaching a time in which we as a Church would undergo opposition from the world. We should and need not despair. This opposition should let us know that we are in the battle. Yes, the enemy is strong, but the victory has been won by Our Savior as He drained Himself on that Cross which bridged heaven and earth. Let us then hope instead in these days, pray harder, fast more often, and remain hanging on our cross, for as long as necessary, just as Our Blessed Lord did.

Love certainly does not kill pain and suffering, but it does soften it. Offering our persecution, opposition, suffering, and pain to the Lord will enable us to keep fighting, and remain with Him in the midst of this hour of testing. What an honor it is to be considered a warrior for the Lord, for who would want to face Our Lord at death without a few scars?

Sheen Set To Music-The Woman I Love

Archbishop Fulton Sheen was perhaps the greatest evangelist of the twentieth century. I made a commitment to have a "Sheen Hour" everyday while in seminary, where I would listen to one of his numerous talks, retreats, or broadcasts, and keep this practice even today. I have listened countless times to this remarkable preacher, servant, but most of all, holy Catholic priest and victim. It is because of his influence that I make a daily holy hour, which has changed my life and my soul in ways I would have never imagined. Please pray for his canonization. Allow his inspired words to penetrate you. His thoughts on the Blessed Mother are arrows which pierce the inner depths of all our hearts, even those who may think She is distant. She only wants to lead us to Jesus, and help us to heaven. She is Our Mother, the Mother of the whole human race, and this was instituted by Christ on the Cross. On Mary, Sheen speaks directly, truthfully, but most of all, he speaks passionately - as a man who is truly in love.

In "The Woman I Love", Sheen discusses Mary as a dream, a mother, and finally, a spouse. He knew Her so well, and knew that through Her, one day he would be able to see Jesus face to face and be with Him forever in paradise. As a man studying for priesthood, Mary is the woman of my life, and I can only hope and trust that with Her, I can do the same.

Immaculata, Queen and Mother of the Church, I renew my self-consecration to you, for this day and for always, so that you might use me for the coming of the Kingdom of Jesus in the whole world. To this end, I offer you all my prayers, actions, and sufferings of this day.

Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee, and for all those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially the enemies of the Holy Church and all those recommended to You. Amen.

Sheen Set To Music-That Most Holy Heart

This song is entitled "That Most Holy Heart". It is a compilation of various excerpts from Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, reflecting on the Passion and Death of Our Lord, focusing on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Heart of Christ was pierced and the love which flowed from His side was poured out for you, for me, and for all mankind. Mary's Most Immaculate Heart was pierced as well, and She alone is our greatest refuge and intercessor to lead us to Her Son. At the foot of the Cross stood Mary Magdalene and John the beloved disciple, alongside of the Blessed Mother. We can learn something remarkable from each one of these figures.

One of the best ways we can get to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord is by "keeping watch with Him for one hour" as He requested the night before He died. Praying the daily Holy Hour and being with Jesus in silence is based on His request- it is not simply a devotional practice, but biblical and rooted in Scripture. Let us then begin now to dare and make this practice habitual, drawing deeper and deeper into the Heart of Jesus day by day, with the help of Our Blessed Mother. I guarantee you, it will change your life...

He's waiting for you...

Thursday, April 22, 2010


"Ave" is a small litany written to Our Blessed Mother. Her impact on me and my vocation has been monumental, and I am certain that without Her, I would not know and love Her Son like I do. She always disappears, directing and guiding us to Jesus, even when we are unaware of Her presence. If we knew how much She loved us, we would cry- tears of joy. This song was written in the summer of 2008, after I consecrated myself, my life, and my vocation to Her on July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen of Our Hearts, pray for us...

The Love That Satisfies

"The Love that Satisfies" is the first song I wrote completely on my own, and it will always hold a special place. It was inspired during a retreat from my second year in major seminary. Every human heart desires to love and to be loved. But it is only the perfect, total, and selfless love which comes from Christ that can satisfy our deepest human longings. As St. Augustine rightly declares, "Our hearts are restless O God, until they rest in you". The love which is poured out from the Sacred, Pierced, Priestly, and Eucharistic Heart of Our Savior, is truly the only love that satisfies...